-- gallowsCalibrator [GC] began trolling ectoBiologist [EB] --
GC: H3H3H3H3H3 GC: JOHN STOP HUGG1NG THOS3 S4L4M4ND3RS 4ND B31NG SO STUPIDLY 4DOR4BLE GC: W3 4R3 ON 4 STR1CT CH3AT1NG T1M3T4BL3 H3R3 GC: W41T WHO 4R3 YOU T4LK1NG TO NOW GC: 1S 1T ON3 OF US GC: 1S 1T M3??? EB: it was carcino. GC: H4H4H4H4H4 GC: 1 B3T H3 1S CONFUS3D 4ND GRUMPY EB: yeah, sorta. EB: he has no idea what you're doing. GC: 1 H34R H1M OV3R TH3R3 B4NG1NG ON THOS3 K3YS GC: 1 TH1NK TH1S WHOL3 TH1NG 1S JUST 4 W4Y TO V3NT SOM3 FRUSTR4T1ON GC: H3 H4S NO PURPOS3 Y3T GC: NOT L1K3 YOU 4ND M3 JOHN >:D EB: oh, he said to give you a message... GC: OH >:? EB: he wants you to touch his bone lump or something. GC: WH4T!!! EB: and that he's pretty much basically in love with you. GC: W41T GC: D1D H3 4CTU4LLY S4Y TH4T GC: 1N CONF1D3NC3 EB: yeah, i dunno, pretty much. GC: C4N YOU COPY 3X4CTLY WH4T H3 S41D EB: ohhh no, we're not going down that road! EB: besides, it was a private conversation among private gentlemen colleagues. EB: oh, also you're going to punch him. GC: 1 4M GC: WH3N EB: i guess in your future. EB: but in your pretty soon future i think. EB: it's when he says stuff to you and then you laugh at him. GC: BUT 1M 4LW4YS L4UGH1NG 4T H1M GC: HOW W1LL 1 KNOW????? EB: also he says you said it's from me. GC: FROM YOU GC: DO YOU W4NT M3 TO PUNCH H1M JOHN EB: pffff, i don't care! EB: i'm just the timey-wimey messenger here. GC: 1M SUR3 M4NY H1GHLY JUST1F1ABL3 4ND W3LL D3S3RV3D PUNCH3S W1LL B3 THROWN 1N DU3 T1M3 GC: BUT L3TS ST1CK TO TH3 G4M3PL4N FOR NOW GC: JOHN T4K3 4 LOOK 4T WH3R3 TH3 SHORTCUT TOOK YOU GC: TURN 4ROUND >:]