gutsyGumshoe [GG] began bothering golgothasTerror [GT] at 11:40
GG: J, how goes the bunnyquest? GT: Ive barely even begun! GG: Tell me about it. GT: Youre off to a sluggish start then too i gather? GG: Dad has the whole house in full fatherly lockdown mode. Talk about blowing a few measly "assassination attempts" way out of proportion! GG: So I'm currently mulling over my next move. GG: What is it that has you hamstrung? Did you ever track down the slippery Mr. Strider? GT: Not exactly. GT: His stupid doppelglasses have set me on a wild goose chase to go pry his dumb robots chest open and swipe its uranium. GG: Sounds dangerous! GT: No shit. GT: I think id rather deal with the monsters. GG: Why is it that our two best friends in the world always seem to place themselves at the source of all our problems, while simultaneously presenting their only solutions? GT: I know right??? GG: I'm debating whether or not to enlist his help in the matter of my current imprisonment. But I'd rather keep it as a plan of last resort. GT: Dont do it jane its a trap!!! GG: We'll see. GG: So I take it you're out and about now? GT: Hell no. I spent so much time haggling with those confounded shades im only leaving my room just now. GG: Right. Well, not to keep you too long, since we both still have our missions ahead of us, but I wanted to tell you about that dream I had. GT: Oh yeah! GT: I was curious about that. Tell me everything and make it snappy! GT: *Whips up bucket of freshly popped corn.* GG: Hoo. :B GG: Ok, but, I should say that the nature of the dream was a bit worrisome. GG: And I'm concerned it may have implications for the game we're about to play. GG: So it's probably best that I tell you about it before you leave. GT: Well shoot. GT: Ok then lay it on me jane.