GT: You really think so? GG: ... GG: Yeah sure why the hell not. GT: Well i was kinda going to let it play out and just see what happens and go from there... GT: But you think a more proactive approach would be better? GG: Well, GG: He likes you. GG: You seem to like him well enough. GG: Just... GG: Yes. GG: Why not?? GG: Sounds good to me!!! GT: Wow. GT: I must say this sort of advice surprises me coming from you! GG: And why would that be?! GG: What, are you expecting me to advocate a more conservative approach? GG: To tell you to keep being shy and cagey and keep beating around the bush indefinitely?? GG: What would ever give you that idea about me! GT: Hmm. GT: Yes i guess that is a certainly a strategy to consider. GT: Jane i must say your perspective on this is refreshingly bold. GG: I BELIEVE YOU WILL FIND THAT AS REFRESHING BOLDNESS GOES I AM SIMPLY THE BEST THERE IS. GT: Hehehe! Sure looks that way! GG: Screw it! GG: Ask him out. GG: Just kill the suspense already. GG: Become boyfriends and such. GG: Have some babies!!! GT: Whoa now! GT: Jane the decision to sire children with your best bro is not one to be taken lightly. GG: Okay I think I have to go. GG: I have this stupid game to play. gutsyGumshoe [GG] ceased pestering golgothasTerror [GT]