uu: SHE'S NOT MY SISTER. uu: WE DON'T GOT SISTERS. IT'S NOT A THING. DON'T DRAG uS THROuGH YOuR NASTY HuMAN FAMILIAL MuD. uu: OF COuRSE I'M GOING TO PLAY. I WAS JuST SAYING I WOuLDN'T. YOu KNOW. TO FuCK WITH HER AND MAKE HER CRY. uu: LIKE I HAVE A CHOICE. BuT TO PLAY. uu: HOW ELSE AM I GOING TO GET OFF THIS DESOLATE ROCK? uu: YOu THINK I WANT TO STAY HERE? JuST HANG AROuND. TIL I JOIN THE HuNDRED BILLION CORPSES FERTILIZING THE SOIL? TT: I see. TT: No, didn't think so. I was just curious. uu: HuMAN CuRIOSITY IS CONTEMPTIBLE. SHE SHARES THAT WITH YOu. AND I CAN'T FuCKING STAND IT. TT: Gotcha. TT: You sure seem to hate us, but I notice it doesn't stop you from talking to us frequently. Or at least to me. TT: Surely there must be at least one of our virtues you admire. uu: YES. AMBITION. THAT'S THE ONLY GOOD ONE. uu: AND I THINK YOu GOT THAT. WHICH IS MAYBE WHY. YOu'RE THE ONLY ONE I CAN PuT uP WITH FOR ANY DuRATION? uu: LET'S CALL IT A GRuDGING RESPECT. WHICH IS THE ONLY KIND THAT'S EVEN WORTH A FuCK. TT: I'll take that as a rare overture of friendship. uu: NO. DON'T. TT: So, do you even know how this is going to work? uu: WHAT. TT: Your session. Can you even really have a session with only two players? uu: SHE SAYS YOu CAN. AND SHE LIKES TO THINK SHE'S THE EXPERT. uu: PERSONALLY? I DON'T CARE. uu: MAYBE IT'S AGAINST THE RuLES. WHAT WE'RE DOING. uu: I JuST WANT TO GET IN THERE. AND JuST. uu: FuCK. uu: SHIT. uu: uP. TT: Yeah. TT: I sensed that was your plan. TT: Which is kind of what I'm talking about. How can you win like that? TT: I thought the point was to cooperate with your coplayers to achieve an objective. TT: Not compete with them or try to kill them. I don't think we've had one conversation where you didn't express the desire to kill her. uu: I GuESS WE'LL JuST HAVE TO SEE. WON'T WE? uu: I THINK THIS IS PROBABLY A DIFFERENT KIND OF SESSION. uu: ONE WHERE THE PLAYERS FIGHT FOR SuPREMACY. RATHER THAN WORK TOGETHER. uu: I THINK THAT IT MuST BE THAT WAY. uu: BECAuSE THAT IS HOW I WANT IT TO BE. uu: AND IF I WANT SOMETHING TO BE TRuE HARD ENOuGH. THEN THAT MAKES IT SLIGHTLY MORE ABSOLuTELY IRREFuTABLE. uu: ARE YOu FEELING ME, FuCKER? TT: Maybe you're right. TT: But since that's how you feel now, maybe the truth is that the game is challenging you to overcome those feelings? TT: What if your real quest is to put aside your differences and work together, if you want to both survive, and grow as a person? uu: NO. uu: NO. NO. NO. uu: FuCK THAT SHIT. uu: HuMAN FuCK THAT SHIT. NOT EVEN ALIEN FuCK THAT SHIT. SO YOu CAN uNDERSTAND BETTER. THE KIND OF FuCKING OF THE SHIT THAT'S GOING ON. uu: HuMAN FuCK IT SO MuCH. SO HARD, AND SO ANGRILY. TT: Yeah, I didn't think you'd dig that idea. TT: Just puttin' it out there. uu: HOW ABOuT YOu SHuT uP? AND GET ON THE ROOF. AND TAKE YOuR FuCKING PuNISHMENT. uu: NOW WHERE THE HELL IS YOuR GHASTLY JuJu. uu: GO GET IT. AND HuRRY uP. TT: My juju?