VRISKA: Tavros, this fucking sucks. TAVROS: wHAT, VRISKA: What do you mean, "wHAT,"? VRISKA: For starters, that completely horri8le shared 8ody resurrection 8ullshit that just happened. VRISKA: You were there, remem8er? That's kind of the point! TAVROS: oH, yEAH, TAVROS: i DON'T KNOW, iT WASN'T SO BAD, TAVROS: i THINK MAYBE WE WERE OVERREACTING, aBOUT BEING ONE PERSON? VRISKA: Overreacting my ass! VRISKA: What a nightmare. It's still making my ghostly skin crawl just thinking a8out it. TAVROS: nO, i THINK i'VE DECIDED, yOU'RE BEING UNREASONABLE, TAVROS: iT WAS COOL BEING ALIVE AGAIN FOR A WHILE, aS A STRANGE UNSETTLING MUTANT, TAVROS: iF WE DIDN'T EXPLODE OURSELF SO FAST, iT COULD HAVE BEEN AN ADVENTURE, mAYBE, VRISKA: Oh, sure. That's easy for you to say. VRISKA: You weren't the one getting the short end of the shared personality stick! VRISKA: May8e if your personality was as much an upgrade to mine as mine was to yours, I would have 8een cool with it too. TAVROS: yOU MIGHT BE RIGHT, TAVROS: aCTUALLY IT WAS PRETTY NEAT, VRISKA: What? TAVROS: gETTING TO FEEL ALL THE AMAZING SELF ESTEEM YOU GET TO FEEL, TAVROS: i DIDN'T REALLY KNOW WHAT IT FELT LIKE, i MOSTLY ONLY KNEW WHAT THE PRETEND KIND WAS LIKE, TAVROS: sO, TAVROS: tHANK YOU FOR LETTING ME FEEL THAT, i GUESS, VRISKA: Hahahaha. You're welcome! VRISKA: Now that you mention it, may8e there was a silver lining to that freak show. VRISKA: Someone else finally got a chance to feel first hand how gr8 it is 8eing me! TAVROS: yEAH, TAVROS: iT MUST BE PRETTY GREAT OVERALL, TAVROS: sO, TAVROS: aSIDE FROM BEING PARTIALLY ME, bRIEFLY, TAVROS: hOW HAVE YOU BEEN? VRISKA: Ok. Dead mostly. TAVROS: yES, mE TOO, VRISKA: Yeah. VRISKA: Hey, sorry a8out that 8y the way. TAVROS: aBOUT WHAT, VRISKA: A8out killing you! It wasn't very cool of me. TAVROS: oH, rIGHT, TAVROS: i ALMOST FORGOT THAT EVEN HAPPENED, VRISKA: How could you forget? Haven't you 8een pissed off at me a8out it? TAVROS: nO, i MEAN, iT WAS PRETTY MUCH MY FAULT, i THINK, TAVROS: i ATTACKED YOU WITH MY BOGUS SELF ESTEEM, aND i PAID THE ULTIMATE PRICE, VRISKA: No, you idiot! That's not what happened at all. I sta88ed you through the chest 8ecause I was 8eing a huge 8itch! TAVROS: i MEAN, iT WAS A LONG TIME AGO, bUT THAT'S NOT REALLY HOW i REMEMBER IT, VRISKA: Ugh, stop 8eing so stupid. That's so stupid! TAVROS: nO, yOU'RE STUPID, VRISKA: You are such a pain in the ass when you're dead. Let's just agree it was my fault and drop it. TAVROS: nO, bUT OKAY, VRISKA: Man, 8eing dead is such a drag. VRISKA: I don't know if I can deal with this shit anymore! TAVROS: i THINK IT'S ALRIGHT, VRISKA: Oh come on. It's so 8oring! VRISKA: What a completely pointless and hollow existence this is. VRISKA: And if the existential malaise wasn't 8ad enough, now I have to 8e constantly watching out for that fucking orange guy. TAVROS: oRANGE GUY? VRISKA: The orange guy! Haven't you seen him? TAVROS: nO,