ARANEA: I think we could all stand to take a 8rief intermission from the story regardless, to let all these intriguing facts a8out cheru8s sink in. MEENAH: ugh MEENAH: you and your intermissions MEENAH: what is with your intermissions they aint even intermissions most of the time MEENAH: they just an excuse to tell another dumb story inside a longer dumb story ARANEA: Yes, Meenah. You are correct, and your reserv8tions are noted. ARANEA: However, would it change your mind if I were to propose not an intermission, 8ut........ ARANEA: An interfishin? MEENAH: ... MEENAH: ... ARANEA: ;;;;) MEENAH: fine MEENAH: lets do the interfishin thing you said MEENAH: cuz of fish MEENAH: brb u scrubs