VRISKA: GOOD RIDD8NCE YOU 8ACKSTA88ING INGR8TES! VRISKA: I HOPE LORD ENGLISH E8TS YOU 8LL!!!!!!!! JOHN: hey, vriska. VRISKA: WH8T! JOHN: actually... JOHN: you know that ring? VRISKA: What a8out it! JOHN: i have it now. VRISKA: You do?? VRISKA: Where! Let me see!! JOHN: no, i mean, not on me. JOHN: i guess i wasn't wearing it when i fell asleep. JOHN: it seems to have the power to come with me in and out of my dreams, as long as i'm wearing it. JOHN: that's how i got it in the first place. i had it on when i woke up. VRISKA: You were wearing it?? VRISKA: Why? And why were you playing keepaway with it in the first place! VRISKA: I mean, aside from the o8vious fact that messing with Tavros is its own hilarious reward. JOHN: i don't know. JOHN: i guess... JOHN: i liked it, and i just wanted to hang on to it for some reason. JOHN: but i didn't know i would wake up with it. VRISKA: This is perfect! VRISKA: That means all you have to do is put it on when you wake up, then come find me the next time you go to sleep! JOHN: yeah... JOHN: maybe.