ROSE: I take it you are still detoxing from your overdose of appalling harlequin nectar? TEREZI: HY333UUUUURGH TEREZI: PL34S3 NO T4LK1NG TEREZI: B3TW33N TH3 F4YGO SHOCK 4ND S3NSORY OV3RLO4D, 1 C4NNOT 3V3N D34L ROSE: Do you need a turn with the pillow? TEREZI: SHHHHHHH TEREZI: 1 THOUGHT 1 GOT US3D TO S331NG 4G41N TEREZI: 4T L34ST TH3 M3T3OR W4S 4LW4YS SO D4RK TEREZI: H3R3 THOUGH TEREZI: YOUR PL4N3T LOOKS L1K3... TEREZI: SCR34M1NG TEREZI: 4ND YOUR WORDS SOUND L1K3 THROBB1NG ROSE: You should try not to consume so much sugar. ROSE: It's really bad for you. TER3Z1: L4LOND3 TEREZI: PL34S3 DO NOT GO TH3R3 TEREZI: DO3S 1T LOOK L1K3 1 W4NT 4DV1C3 FROM 4 GLUTTON FOR MYST3R1OUS HUM4N SOPOR1F1CS?? ROSE: Good point. ROSE: We seriously have to curtail our dependence on these respective liquids. ROSE: The situation has become embarrassing for everyone. TEREZI: 1 KNOW ROSE: Maybe you and I should form some sort of support group. ROSE: Isn't that what people do? TEREZI: WH4T? ROSE: I'm doing my best to dredge the memory of my dead civilization for salient protocol. ROSE: I think that's what we're supposed to do. ROSE: Once, when humanity was still a thing, those like us with similar problems would band together, smoke cigarettes, and psychologically dismantle each other. ROSE: But like, in a positive way. TEREZI: TH4T SOUNDS HORR1BL3 ROSE: It surely will be. ROSE: Do you have any cigarettes? ROSE: I suppose we could use some sticks of your chalk in a pinch. These turtles probably won't know the difference. TEREZI: C4N YOU M4YB3 NOT B3 S4Y1NG SO M4NY JOK3S TEREZI: 1TS M4K1NG 1T H4RD TO CONC3NTR4T3 ON MY SUFF3R1NG H3R3 ROSE: Well we have to do something. ROSE: I'm supposed to be guiding our team to a fortuitous outcome with my fancy light powers. ROSE: How am I supposed to lead and inspire from under a velvet pillow? ROSE: Also, my girlfriend thinks I'm an idiot. ROSE: So there's that. TEREZI: M4YB3 TH3Y DONT 4CTU4LLY N33D US ROSE: Sure they do. ROSE: I foresaw that they would, magically, not unlike a majestic wizardress. ROSE: I think. ROSE: At least I'm pretty sure I did at one point, before getting repeatedly plastered. TEREZI: OK, M4YB3 TH3Y N33D YOU TEREZI: S331NG 4S YOU 4CTU4LLY H4V3 US3FUL POW3RS TEREZI: 1 DOUBT 4NYON3 N33DS M3 THOUGH ROSE: Don't you remember what I said when we first met? ROSE: I said your abilities would probably come in handy, didn't I? TEREZI: "PROB4BLY"??? ROSE: Yeah. Maybe. TEREZI: 1 DONT 3V3N KNOW HOW TO US3 THOS3 POW3RS FULLY TEREZI: 4ND WH3N3V3R 1 TRY 1 JUST DO SOM3TH1NG 1 R3GR3T TEREZI: 1 DONT KNOW 1F 1 C4N BR1NG MYS3LF TO US3 TH3M 4G41N ROSE: You just need to... ROSE: Dig deep down and, ROSE: Believe in yourself? ROSE: Why don't you give that a shot. TEREZI: >:| ROSE: I'm sure when the time comes, accessing your full potential will involve tapping into just the right platitude. ROSE: I don't know. I'm too hung over to give good seering advice. ROSE: You see? This is the problem. ROSE: Hence the need for a not-entirely-ironic support group. ROSE: Let's do it. I declare Rainbow Rumpus Rehab Town is now in session. ROSE: Where the fuck is a gavel when you need one...