TEREZI: VR1SK4, SHOULDN'T W3 G3T B4CK TO OUR STR4T3GY M33T1NG SOON? VRISKA: Yeah, pretty soon. TEREZI: 1T'S L1K3 W3 US3D TO S4Y 1N TH3 OLD D4YS TEREZI: T1M3 1S D34D K1DS VRISKA: 8elieve me, I haven't forgotten! VRISKA: That's as true now as it ever was. Only difference is now we're working together to PREVENT the 8odies from piling up. TEREZI: >:] VRISKA: We still have a little time 8efore we need to get serious, and anyway, when you're managing a team, you need to 8alance things. VRISKA: Gotta keep morale up, you know? VRISKA: The troops have 8een itching for a feel-good moment like this for a long time. VRISKA: As a competent leader-slash-power-gamer extraordinaire, it's incum8ent on me to recognize that and cut them a 8it of slack. VRISKA: Give them a little space to remem8er what they're all fighting for, you know? TEREZI: Y34H, GR34T PO1NT VRISKA: We could do the same, you know. VRISKA: Over the last few years, we've had so many gr8 times and 8uried all the old hatchets deep enough that I think it's easy to take our relationship for granted. VRISKA: Doesn't hurt to remind ourselves how lucky we 8oth are. And how close we came to going in completely different directions. VRISKA: Anyway, I'm glad this is the path we chose. I couldn't ask for a 8etter moirail. ::::) TEREZI: M3 N31TH3R TEREZI: 1 DON'T KNOW HOW 1 WOULD H4V3 L1V3D W1TH MYS3LF 1F 1 H4D... GON3 THROUGH W1TH 1T TEREZI: 4ND W3'D B3 D34D 1F 1 H4DN'T... TEREZI: TH4NK GOD FOR 3GB3RT TEREZI: N3V3R N3V3R N3V3R T3LL H1M 1 S41D TH1S BUT TEREZI: FOR 4 DORK, H3'S... VRISKA: Hmm? TEREZI: H3 TEREZI: L3T'S JUST S4Y YOU D1D 4 GR34T JOB TR41N1NG H1M, ONC3 UPON 4 T1M3 VRISKA: Hey, so did you! VRISKA: Some version of yourself was 8adass enough to write down all those instructions in her own 8lood just 8efore she died. VRISKA: Sounds like a real hero to me! TEREZI: H3H3 VRISKA: Sometimes I wonder what things would 8e like if we never had our falling out. VRISKA: It was a lot like this, 8ack in the old days, remem8er? VRISKA: Just hanging out, working together, not much drama except I guess for the occasional ethical de88 on how our foes should 8e dealt with. VRISKA: What if it never spiraled out of control? If I never 8linded you, if you never 8lew off my arm... VRISKA: What if you decided to send John 8ack to change all that instead? TEREZI: 1 D1DN'T WR1T3 TH3 1NSTRUCT1ONS MYS3LF, BUT TEREZI: 1'M SUR3 1 N3V3R CONS1D3R3D 1T TEREZI: 3V3RYTH1NG W3 W3NT THROUGH B4CK TH3N M4D3 US STRONG3R TEREZI: 1T W4S SOM3TH1NG TO WORK TO PUT B3H1ND US, NOT 3R4S3 TEREZI: SOM3TH1NG TH4T W4S WORTH TH3 3FFORT >:] VRISKA: Yeah! VRISKA: <> KARKAT: *SHOUT BLITHER BLAH BLAH WORDS* KARKAT: *BLAH BLAH TACTLESS NINCOMPOOPS SHOUT RAMBLE SCREED* KARKAT: *BLAH BLISTER BEMOAN BLAH BLAH GOSSIP-HUNGRY LOBOTOMY HOBBITS* KARKAT: *SHOUT YELL SCREECH HOLLER BRAINLESS GUSHING YAMMERTWATS* VRISKA: Oh god. VRISKA: What is he going on a8out now? TEREZI: SOUNDS L1K3 H3'S Y3LL1NG 4T D4V3 4ND JOHN 4BOUT SOM3TH1NG VRISKA: So, John's 8een here for all of five minutes, and he already tripped Karkat's tirade siren? TEREZI: H3'S NOT 4CTU4LLY 4NGRY TEREZI: H3'S 3MB4RR4SS3D 4BOUT SOM3TH1NG TEREZI: MY 34R 1S F1N3LY TUN3D TO TH3 4LL V4NTRUM NU4NC3S VRISKA: Em8arrassed? A8out what? VRISKA: Think he might ACTUALLY 8e 8ent out of shape over the fact that he's not leader anymore? TEREZI: NO W4Y TEREZI: 1T'S SOM3TH1NG V3RY P3RSON4L VRISKA: I wonder if John's 8een asking what the deal is with him and Dave? VRISKA: John was pretty nosy, if I recall. TEREZI: 1 TH1NK 1T'S MOR3 L1K3LY D4V3 1S JUST R4MBL1NG S4NS F1LT3R 4G41N VRISKA: Yeah, he does do that a lot, doesn't he. VRISKA: Hey, as long as we're swearing each other to secrecy on stuff, make A8SOLUTELY sure they never know I said this, 8ut... VRISKA: He and Karkat... VRISKA: Are KIND of adora8le?? VRISKA: In whatever quadrant that whole situation settled in. VRISKA: I don't know, it's none of my 8usiness really. I just never would have guessed! TEREZI: 4GR33D TEREZI: 1 GU3SS W3 STUCK TO OURS3LV3S MOSTLY TEREZI: 4ND ROS3 4ND K4N4Y4 W3R3 4LL... YOU KNOW TEREZI: SO TH4T L3FT TH3M 4ND TH31R CUT3 M4YOR S1D3K1CK TO... TEREZI: SORT TH1NGS OUT 4MONGST 34CH OTH3R? W1THOUT 1NT3RF3R3NC3 FROM 4 BUNCH OF CR4ZY FUCK3D UP G1RLS TEREZI: 1'M H4PPY FOR TH3M TEREZI: 4ND... FOR M3 TOO TEREZI: 1F YOU H4DN'T B33N 4ROUND, 1 H4V3 4 F33L1NG 1 WOULD H4V3 GOTT3N SUCK3D 1NTO SOM3 W31RD BULLSH1T W1TH BOTH OF TH3M VRISKA: Sounds rough. VRISKA: Guess that's one more 8ullet dodged, thanks to yours truly! TEREZI: GU3SS SO! TEREZI: (G33K)