VRISKA: Ok, Dave. DAVE: there are all these rumors swirling around that ive gotta beat LE anyway DAVE: which is probably bogus but w/e DAVE: killing this guy at least would be the next best thing right DAVE: so maybe if i do that i could like DAVE: put the "prophecy" to rest VRISKA: That logic sounds reasona8le to me. VRISKA: For what it's worth, I never 8ought into the idea that you were supposed to 8e the one to kill English anyway. VRISKA: So that's one down. Who else? TEREZI: OK, WHY NOT VRISKA: You sure, Terezi? VRISKA: You're not immortal, remem8er. And this one's going to 8e tough. TEREZI: YOU S41D W3 N33D GOOD F1GHT3RS TO GO 4T TH1S GUY TEREZI: 4ND 1 TH1NK 1'M PR3TTY D3C3NT TEREZI: 4T L34ST 4T ST4BB1NG TH1NGS TEREZI: SO 1'LL GO TEREZI: B3S1D3S... TEREZI: *SOM3ON3* H4S TO W1TN3SS D4V3'S H3RO1SM, 1F H3 W4NTS TO B3 L3T OFF TH3 HOOK FOR TH4T PROPH3CY >:] VRISKA: Hey, it's your decision! VRISKA: Anyone else? TEREZI: WH4T 4BOUT D4V3'S BRO? TEREZI: 1 H34RD H3'S SUPPOS3D TO B3 HOT SH1T DAVE: um DAVE: yeah sure DAVE: thats fine if uh DAVE: youre comfortable volunteering someone who isnt here for a deadly battle DAVE: its cool if you want to do that VRISKA: Dave, come on. VRISKA: As if it's not extremely likely he'd seek you out upon getting here anyway. VRISKA: Why don't we just pencil him into the team as "Pro8a8ly"? DAVE: ........... VRISKA: Just 8e sure to de8rief him on the whole situation when he gets here. VRISKA: Think you can handle that, Dave? VRISKA: Ok, gr8! VRISKA: Which reminds me... VRISKA: What a8out you, Arquius? VRISKA: How do you want to fit into this? ARQUIUSPRITE: I haven't decided yet ARQUIUSPRITE: I'm going to crunch some more numbers in the vast combat matri% I just compiled now, in the microblink of a nanosecond, to deduce the optimal strategic appropriation of my assets (i.e. muscles) ARQUIUSPRITE: Joining Real Dave in battle is semitempting, but I do not wish to horn in on Real Dirk's ARQUIUSPRITE: Instead I would prefer to blaze my own trail, with my own hooves ARQUIUSPRITE: I always wanted to do something really important and heroic ARQUIUSPRITE: I mean, aside from all the other stuff I have done like that, which is quite a lot ARQUIUSPRITE: But something quite grandiose, and perfectly unmistakable as a gesture turning the tide of fortune for all of e%istence ARQUIUSPRITE: This is what I have always desired ARQUIUSPRITE: Well, that is to say, both halves of me once had such an ambivalent desire, which was compromised by our respective internalized confli% ARQUIUSPRITE: But together, that desire is fully realized. No longer ambivalent ARQUIUSPRITE: Neigh, it is now fully bivalent. Perhaps even univalent ARQUIUSPRITE: I would like my gesture to shock everyone ARQUIUSPRITE: It must come from out of the b100, make virtually no sense, stun all involved, and have a lasting, profoundly unintelligible impact an all future and pseudofuture events VRISKA: ARQUIUSPRITE: Does this answer your question VRISKA: Oh! VRISKA: Sorry, I was just temporarily mesmerized 8y your incredi8le spiel. VRISKA: Needless to say, I a8solutely agree with your philosophy on heroic action and wanting to do something important. VRISKA: In any case, you've earned the right to do whatever the fuck you want, just 8y dint of 8eing awesome. VRISKA: End of story! VRISKA: Ok, next...