JOHN: terezi, shoosh. TEREZI: WH4T TEREZI: 1 H4V3 JUST B33N M1ND1NG MY OWN BUS1N3SS, 4ND 1N NO W4Y WH4TSO3V3R S4Y1NG 4NYTH1NG D1R3CT3D 4T 4 COUPL3 OF S1LLY N3RDS S4Y1NG DORKY TH1NGS JOHN: no, you said nerds twice. JOHN: you always say nerds when in ear shot of other people who are just being friendly. TEREZI: 1SN'T 1T W31RD HOW YOU 4R3 M4K1NG TH1S OBS3RV4T1ON, 4ND NO ON3 3LS3 1S? JOHN: what? JOHN: no. TEREZI: M34N1NG, M4YB3 1 ONLY S4Y 1T WH3N TH3 P41R OF N3RDS 1N 34RSHOT H4PP3NS TO 1NCLUD3 YOU JOHN: um... TEREZI: <3< JOHN: ack!!! JOHN: what was that look?! TEREZI: WH4T LOOK JOHN: that look you just gave me! TEREZI: 1 D1DN'T G1V3 YOU 4 LOOK, D1NGUS JOHN: yes you did! JOHN: don't look at me like that!!! TEREZI: WH4T3V3R LOOK YOU TH1NK 1 G4V3 YOU, 1T W4S 1N YOUR 1M4G1N4T1ON TEREZI: 1T 1S *POSS1BL3* YOU M4Y B3 FL4TT3R1NG YOURS3LF, 3GB3RT JOHN: oh, whatever. JOHN: hey, what are you even still doing here? JOHN: weren't you going to go with dave, and get ready for battle? TEREZI: Y3S TEREZI: 1'M JUST G1V1NG H1M 4ND H1S BRO SOM3 T1M3 TO TH3MS3LV3S F1RST TEREZI: 1 4M SUR3 TH3Y COULD US3 1T TEREZI: 4ND WH4T3V3R TH3 H3LL 1S GO1NG ON B3TW33N TH3M TEREZI: TH3 L4ST TH1NG 1 W4NT TO DO 1S 1NVOLV3 MYS3LF TEREZI: TH4T SOUNDS 3V3N MOR3 4WKW4RD TH4N L1NG3R1NG 4ROUND YOU GOOFY BUNCH OF N3RDS B31NG 4LL CUT3 4ND MUSHY W1TH YOUR HUM4N F4M1LY 4ND FR13NDSH1P STUFF JOHN: yeah, you sure do sound put off by it. JOHN: all hanging on our every word and such. :p TEREZI: 1T T4K3S 4 W1LL OF 1RON, TRUST M3 JOHN: uh huh. JOHN: but yeah, i actually do agree... JOHN: it does sound pretty awkward to be around dave and his bro while they, um. JOHN: get to know each other, i guess? TEREZI: YUP JOHN: i'm not sure how well dave really even knew his adult bro, actually. JOHN: aside from bogusly idolizing him, in a way that was really transparent that he didn't. JOHN: i wonder... JOHN: i wonder how different dirk is from him, if at all? TEREZI: 1 WOULDN'T B3 TH3 ON3 TO 4SK JOHN: what do you think, rose? ROSE: I don't think there's anyone who could answer that. ROSE: I suspect literally no one in the history of anywhere has ever met both people. ROSE: Until, as of now, Dave himself. JOHN: ... JOHN: i hope dave's ok.