GC: OH GC: 1 M34N GC: 1 GU3SS 31TH3R? GC: BUT 1 W4S TH1NK1NG MOR3 4BOUT TH3 ON3 WHOS3 D34TH 1M 4CTU4LLY R3SPONS1BL3 FOR AG: Ah. AG: Well, this could either 8e my experience as an ancient ghost talking, or the perspective I am naturally given to as a Light player, AG: 8ut aren't you equally responsi8le for 8oth? GC: >:\ GC: 1 GU3SS AG: I can see why you would feel more responsi8ility for one than the other. AG: My perspective is informed 8y my class and aspect. It was to my advantage as a healer to see things a little differently. To find equanimity across many different outcomes. GC: OH? AG: There's more to the realization of our roles than gaining flashy powers. AG: And there's more to healing than repairing 8attle damage. AG: You killed a friend and you understanda8ly feel regret. AG: 8ut it's done. She is gone and you are still here. AG: Now what? GC: ...