AG: You could look for a8solution through rationalization. Everyone would have died if you didn't take action, so why trou8le yourself with guilty emotion? AG: 8ut there is no real healing power in 8elieving that. And I don't think it's what you wanted to tell yourself anyway, is it? GC: NOT R34LLY AG: Or what a8out through renunciation of responsi8ility? If you were just a tool used 8y reality to perpetuate itself, where is the 8lame? AG: 8ut that would 8e another empty idea that has no power to heal. GC: Y34H GC: 1V3 TR13D R4T1ON4L1Z1NG STUFF TH4T W4Y GC: DO3SNT R34LLY H3LP AG: You've 8een lead to 8elieve such acts of violence are natural for your kind, and that if you're upset 8y the consequences then something is wrong with you. AG: 8ut it isn't as natural as you might think. That conditioning was a part of Milkshake's long con. AG: Violence was respected and cele8rated on your world, 8ut remorse was rarely felt and pain could never heal due to such empty justifications. We died out a wounded race, and you are all that's left. AG: The process of healing first involves sifting through what it isn't, which happens to 8e almost everything your trou8led mind has to offer. GC: TH3N WH4T DO 1 DO? GC: WH4TS TH3 4NSW3R? AG: There isn't one.